
I originally gave this workshop in 2012 at Social Media Week. I was inspired by an incident at work where an employee was impersonating another employee with a parody Twitter account. I ended up having to sort out the mess because half our managers didn’t understand how Twitter worked. As the lines between personal and professional blurred in 2012, every manager had to learn WTF was happening online.

Basic Social Media For Managers Seminar

This workshop will cover the very basics of social media for managers. Bring your "stupid questions" because we're starting from the very beginning in an environment where everyone feels just as lost as you do. More importantly, we'll teach you about the types of Social Media so that even as the individual sites change you'll have the knowledge to understand the new ones that come out.

  • Have you been asked to talk to an employee based on what they Tweeted but you don't understand Twitter?

  • Have you been asked to promote your organization on social media but don't understand where to start?

Topics Will Include:

  • Twitter: From Tweets to Hash Tags

  • Facebook: Pages, Privacy Controls, and Tagging. Should I be Facebook friends with my employees? What about my customers?

  • Foursquare: Why Do These People Check-in?

  • LinkedIn: Profile tips to Removing Ex-Employees From Your Business Page

  • Reddit: The new Digg (even if you never knew what Digg was)

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Jazmin Hupp Talks to Lelenhia Dubois on the Meditative Journey