4 Unique Retail Signage Examples to Increase Sales



Stair Signage Attracts And Informs



Unimax Tattoo Supply on crowded Canal Street in NYC, uses stair signage to attract people to walk up to their second story location. Once customers are walking up, the signs inform you of all the different items you can expect inside. Since most of their merchandise is hidden behind counters, seeing a category of items you'd like to buy on the stairs encourages you to ask a staff member to show them to you.If you have the big bucks, get an animated stair case. Videotron in Montreal claims to have installed the first one in North America at their flagship store. 

Digital Signage That is as Functional as it is Beautiful



When Microsoft opened a store across the hallway from Apple in the Mall of America, I wondered how they would counter Apple's award winning store designs. A wrap-around digital wall slightly above eye-level allows promotions to flow effortlessly across the entire store. But the gorgeous displays aren't even the best part. The Xboxes throughout the store activate a window in the displays that allows you to play on the big screens. The prominence of the xBox displays encourages other customers to investigate. 

Tell Your Customers How Much Your Values Are Theirs And How To Uphold Them

Pine State Biscuits Table Topper

Pine State Biscuits Table Topper

Part confirmation and part guilt-trip this table top signage from ultra-popular Pine State Biscuits in Portland, Oregon does it all. By phrasing all their information as a thank you to their customers they increase compliance without nasty "bus your own table, your Mom doesn't work here" type signage. They open the card by affirming their customer base for shopping local, which increases loyalty to their brand. Following up the affirmation are the house-keeping reminders for this busy counter-service restaurant. Although I'd recommend a more comprehensive customer feedback program, putting your email address out their is a great start. 

Unique Coffee Cup Stickers Increase Revenue for Coffee Stand

Straw Signage

Straw Signage

I thought I'd seen every way to advertise on a coffee cup until Cowgirl Coffee in Whitefish, Montana served me an ad on my straw. Typically placed on the lid of hot drinks to keep liquid sealed in while you're driving, this ad placement is ultra-local and very noticeable. According to their website, they feature an advertiser for 2-3 weeks exclusively, serving about 4,500 customers. Stickers have included coupons, events, and classic branding ads. I'm just glad this women-owned business hasn't had to stoop to the lows of the competitive northwest coffee stand scene. Bikini and lingerie wearing baristas compete for your dollar at chains like Baristas Gone Wild and Lace n' Lattes throughout the northwest.  


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A Father's Day Wish