
Create Your
Life After Burnout

They said I’d be happy if I worked harder…

So I worked all the time.

They said I’d be happy if I earned more…

So I made that $100K salary and then started a $5M company.

They said I’d be happy if I was skinny…

So I tried the diets before realizing this entire game was rigged for me to fail.

So I QUIT everything they told me to do…

And learned what actually made me happy and healthy.

I did everything right…and I still burned out.

I was running my own company, working in alignment with my values, and on the verge of being a millionaire.

But honestly, my life was not nearly as neat as it looked on magazine covers.

I let work take over my life. I was out of balance and exhausted.

So I blew the whole thing up. I blew up my company. I blew up my personal relationships. I blew up my bus and my car was stolen. I let everything go.

In 2017, I had no partner, no job, no car, no housing, and no plan.

From that space…

  • I learned what practices kept me in balance.

  • I learned what mindsets allowed me to make money without exploiting myself.

  • I learned how to create a Life After Burnout (L.A.B).

I invite you to start your L.A.B. now.

Wherever my attention goes, gets bigger. When my attention was on my fears, my fears came into reality. When my attention was on joy, joy came into my reality. Consciously choosing where my attention goes has revolutionized my life.

It was crazy tough to break out of those looping negative thoughts! I needed a practice to change my stubborn mind. And so I created a psychedelic self-healing practice.

For 2 years I took a large dose of psychedelics once a week to force me to change my work habits, my thought loops, and my eating. I experimented with complementary therapies like journaling, yoga, and mediation. I found the activities that helped me go beyond my fears to create the life I wanted.

Today I have…

  • The resilience to have fun when the world shuts down 🥳

  • The personal practices to stay balanced 🧘‍♀️

  • I’m engaged to be married 💍

  • I got a new car too! 🚗

To create your own psychedelic self-healing practice, check out my book, The Inside Guide ($9 digital / $29 paperback). It contains step-by-step directions for how to use marijuana, MDMA, or magic mushrooms to create an intentional transformative experience. You will also learn how to integrate your psychedelic experience with meditation, restorative yoga, and intention setting.

If you would like personalized guidance, I offer confidential one-on-one calls and private psychedelic retreats. Please contact me to learn more.

With tons of love ❤️,

Jazmin Hupp

Listen to my journey…